What is Web 3.0

Hello, people this is my first post in this blog and I'm gonna talk about Web3.0. It is a artificial intellegence , now you have decide to goto a movie  and search on net which movies are available and in which multiplex's and you go there.. when we do in web 3.0 u need to type what kind of movie u wanna watch like u wanna watch Action movie then u need to just type "action movie" it search which location your and gives the result and after that if you wanna go for lunch you could even type that like "action movie and have lunch" then it will even show you the near by restuarant.

 Most of the experts believe that the Web 3.0 browser is like a personal assistant. As you search on Web, the browser learns what you are interested in. The more you use the Web, the more your browser learns about you and the less questions you will be having.The Longer & deeper you browse the longer & deeper the browser understands you, it learns you so that when u type "what should i've in lunch ? " and it will answer to u. it is the future technology that will do many things  like all your like n dislikes will be knowning to browser , u can ask "What to wear & not to wear ? "
 we can add some few availabe features of future technology Web 3.0

  1.   You can add text to speech tool on your website where people can read your website by your own voice
  2.  When you add a content to your website your website can create keywords, tags automatically from your content
To understand more and where the Web is keep reading on quick lessons on The evolution of Web.

below there is one ppt presentation regarding Web 3.0 by Freek Bijl